These meetings happen every 3 months.
During the meeting, we all talk about any other problems that people with learning disabilities and/or autism are struggling with in our region. One of these may become the next Link Worker project.
All our Link Workers, their support and 1 or 2 guests are invited to these meetings. Everyone also has the chance to catch up with friends and colleagues.
The Link Workers all report back on the work they have been doing on their projects and if there are any issues stopping them finish their work.
We also invite guest speakers or experts to come along and talk to us and answer our questions.

Our Groups can download minutes and agenda of meetings. If you are not one of our Groups, but would like to see what we talk about, contact us and tell us which agenda or minutes you would like to see.
Network Meetings
Please click on the titles below to download minutes and agendas in PDF form: